Sunday, September 13, 2009


Providing nest boxes, nesting materials, water, food and natural habitat can attract birds to our backyards, giving you a much nicer views of them and, when done properly, making life easier for the birds. Attracting birds is also a great way to introduce young people to nature, and it's something the whole family can share. Having a bird-friendly yard has never been more important – nearly 75 percent of wildlife habitat in the United States is in private hands, and an about 2.1 million acres each year are converted to residential use.

An easy way to start out attracting birds is to put up a bird feeder. You should choose the feeders and foods that appeal to the birds you want to attract, plus you should know where to put your feeder and how to maintain it. And there are some more food items, such as eggshells, fruits, and mealworms, that provide extra nourishment for some wonderful species.

A source of clean water, for drinking and bathing, may attract birds that don’t visit feeders. There are ways to ensure that your water helps birds, not mosquitoes or algae. Here is and ideas for a great attractants, a building a brush pile.

How you landscape your yard and deal with insects and weeds can make the difference between a bird haven and a pile of problems. Attracting birds to your property is full of rewards, but it brings problems and responsibilities too. From too many starlings or geese to woodpecker holes in your house.

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