Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The hopper feeders is extremely popular both with people and feather fliers alike. This feeder comes in a wide variety of styles such as gazebo, chalet and many more. Hopper feeders have a large central reservoir that fills itself with seeds, and it automatically dispenses the seeds out of slots or ports in the bottom as the birds feed on them. Most hopper feeders have the capacity to hold large amounts of seeds and are easy to clean and fill.

The hopper feeder is designed to keep the seeds dry by using a roof and side panels that keep the seeds out of the elements. This type of feeder attracts a wide variety of birds like the chickadee, red bellied woodpecker, morning dove, cardinal, sparrow and many more. The best seeds to use in this feeder are mixed wild bird seeds and black oil sun flower seeds. By using those type of seeds they may attract unwanted birds and other unwelcome guests. This particular types of feeder also prevent squirrel and other animals from getting to the bird's seeds.

The feeder has perches or rails for the birds to stand on while they feed so that they do not have to stand in the seeds. Standing in the seeds would cause the seeds to become contaminated by the bird's droppings. Some wild birds will shovel mixed seeds out of the feeder, in an attempt to find their favorite type of seed. Hopper feeders can be sit up as a pole-mounted feeder or a hanging feeder . One of the benefits of this feeder is that it will attract wild birds that will not visit a suet or a tube feeder. One problem that this and other feeders face is squirrels, because they can jump to access these feeders. To avoid squirrels, be sure to place your feeder at least seven feet away from any surface that a squirrel can jump from. On a pole-mounted hopper feeder, a squirrel baffle at the bottom of the feeder will frustrate the squirrels until they say, "no lunch here today."

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Attracting birds to your yard begin with creating a bird friendly area with plenty of food.There are many different types of bird feeders to choose from designed to suit different types of food and to attract different species of bird. Check out the different types of feeder they usually come in four forms: suet, tube hopper or tray feeder.

Suet feeder are wire or mesh feeder that hold suet cakes to attract tit,nuthatches and woodpeckers. Avoid using nylon mesh as birds can get trapped in these.

Tube feeder are cylinder shape and have a number of perches with small holes and will attract birds such as finches. You can make a simple tube feeder from a plastic drink bottle.

Hopper feeder are the most common and often resemble a barn or gazebo. This type of feeder has a storage and dispensing system that make seed available for birds on demand until the hopper is empty.

Tray feeder can be hung, attached to the bottom of other feeder to catch dropping, or put on the ground and give and unobstructed view of bird

Consider squirrel proofing your feeder or getting one design to keep them away. Squirrel like most, if not all, of the food intended for bird; they are agile enough to climb onto virtually every surface that bird can reach. when considering the type of feeder to purchase a squirrel proof one may be a good idea.


Suet bird feeders are a staple feeder in the wild bird feeding stations of many people, and beef suet is a favorite food of many insect eating bird species. Many birds rely on fat to help them survive freezing temperature, Suet or other fat is a great way to help birds during the winter month,and it's an easy feeder to put to gather on a cold winter day. Suet is usually compose of fat from lions of beef or kidney. this can be purchase from any meat market or butcher shop.

The types of birds suet feeder attract are nuthatches,wren,robin,woodpecker, chickadee and sparrow. Suet is a good choice for bird feeder since it can with stand warm weather without melting. Finally, you don't have to settle for a simple cage. There are a variety of decorative suet feeders, some that mount on a wall, others feeders mount on a pole. With feeders that look like sunflowers, a pagoda, or other decorations a suet bird feeder can be a bright touch to your back yard.Bought suet feeder consist of plastic mash bag or wire mesh cage with a suet cake inside.


Water fountain will enrich your garden with soothing,mesmerizing water sound. Garden, by themselves are places of relaxation. The colorful flower and the green foliage inspire meditation and calmness for the mind. But no garden is complete without a fountain. Water as the source of life of the garden presented in full glory and beauty by fountains.
The sound of water not only bring tranquility by drowning out other ambient noises like the sound of traffic, but also adds character to the garden. Every garden , big or small, has to have just the right kind of fountain. There are many types of fountain you can choose for your garden some are free standing structures, usually a sculpture that has water flowing out of it into a pool at the bottom There are also garden fountains that are one or more that are incorporated with plants and other aspects of your garden to create one cohesive look. Another option especially if you are limited in garden space is the wall fountains.Small gardens often used wall fountain because they don't take a lot of space. Bigger gardens, like those found within public parks have pond fountains.
But no matter the size of your garden, installing a fountain will always have it rewards. Not only will they add to the tranquility and beauty to the garden.


As a bird watcher, if you want to create the atmosphere needed to attract a variety of birds to your yard. You need to select the type of bird house to make them comfortable. In selecting a bird house you need to make sure it is well ventilated has a slanted roof and holes in the floor for water drainage. You also want to make sure the house doesn’t have a perch in case larger birds are stalking the smaller birds and wait for them to come out. You want the birds to feel safe and comfortable in their bird house so they will want to remain in the bird house as long as possible and return every season.

The bird houses on the market today have taken on a new and improve look. Bird houses of old were more apt to be made of wood, such as a beach house, a cottage with a thatched roof or church where today you can find more houses made of poly resin and molded into different shapes, such as a tube, a animal or even a crocodile. A bird house should make your friendly fliers feel safe and secure and give them a place to raise their young. By providing them with a bird house they will return to you and you will be able to watch them year after year.


For any bird watcher trying to find the ideal time for bird watching in order to have and exciting, and fulfilling day. Just being able to see bird is not enough for most bird watchers. They like to see them in full action from digging worms to care for their young or just flying around in the sky.

Bird are not human , one of the biggest mistake is to associate bird with the time human usually do their activities. Bird are always on the move and without time they can come and go as they please: Thus, disappointing days their are bound to be when you may have to wait all day and haven't got a sighting. We can assume what the best time of day birds can be sighted or is active during the day.

Research the basic time different variety of species will be active to prevent disappointment because bird have different pattern, and all through you may be able to understand what time they are basically most active, they may be more active in different seasons, and different locations. Some birds are more active in summer some in the fall because of the route of their migration, and some they just want to follow the basic schedule of the day like the owls that you definitely won't be able to see actively hunting in broad daylight.


Birds that will nest in birdhouses or a variation such as platforms and nesting shelves is probably more than fifty species You can learn a great deal by observing bird in birdhouses because if properly used can be considered a scientific tool. Where their are very few natural nesting places such as populated suburban area bird houses play and important role in the conservation of bird. Bird have different behavioral and physical need and the habitat determine the type of birds that will nest in a yard or garden.

If a particular species is preferred, lets say the morning dove then the birdhouse and environment should be readiest to welcome the morning dove One of the most common species is probably the morning dove that are adaptable to human territory. This species can be found all over north and central America, as well as in panama and the Caribbean region.

The nesting habits the morning dove is usually a flimsy platform of twigs, pine needle or grass stem. They has been known to nest in trees, shrubs or vines up to fifty feet, and sometime in hanging flower pots or other man made structure. During nest building the female morning dove stay at the nesting site while the male collect sticks. when the male get back to the nesting site he stand on the female back to give her the nest material and she take and weaves it into the nest. It will easy to select a birdhouse for this bird.


In search for your water fountain it can get over whelming with the many types available. Here are a break down of the various type of fountain and how they work. Placement of the water fountain is important when it come to sorting out the facts. There is no way you can place an indoor fountain outdoors because the electrical requirements are different and it must kept safe from rain. If you have an indoor fountain you wish to place outdoors make sure it is covered or check to see if it is safe for the elements for outside.

To circulate the water from point A to point B all water fountain must have pumps. Pumps are the most powerful means to get the water flowing through the fountains with the force to produce that beautiful water sound and enough water flow for each types the indoor and outdoor. Typically these fountain pump are electric with the exception of solar fountain pumps. As for solar fountain their are many varieties available and they are very popular just nothing very large at this time. Most all water fountain you see about 99% use and electrical source to power them this include garden water fountain, indoor and pond fountain.

You can find many types of water fountain and some of the pieces and interior designs are becoming popular for indoor as well as outdoor water fountains.You can also find the perfect water fountain for indoor as indoor fountain are typically available in wall mounted styles, table tops styles and floor standing fountains. People are always trying to find pleasure items they can put in their living space outdoor and water fountains are one of those pleasure items. Many of us go outside to get away the television, computer or just to read a book and the sound of a water fountain can be very relaxing.


When people study bird or observe them it it known as birding or birdwatching and the term birdwatching most used in the united kingdom as well as in Ireland while birding is an American term. While it is possible to watch birds any time and any place it helpful to know where to look. One may also require detailed knowledge of the appearance, sound, behavior as well as the likely habitat of the bird to get success.
At certain time of day you are most likely to see specific types of birds. For example after sun up is the best time to see hawk and eagles, visibility is best for hunting at this time and they can soar on the thermal currents from the warmer air which help them take of and soar. Bird like owls are more likely to be seen in the evening. Songbirds are easier to see two to three hours after dawn or just before sunset. This is when songbird are most actively feeding. Many shore bird and waders rest at high tide and feed when the water rise or fall.

The most popular month for birdwatching are February, march and may. In February bird of prey try to find territory where they can build their nests. Many of them return to the same place year after year and fly around a lot and their song claim their own breeding territory. M arch is the month of courtship flying. male bird of prey attract the female with song or wonderful flight. The peregrine performs various acrobatic movements in order to attract a mate.


The benefits of solar fountain is if you ever wanted to be able to set up your outdoor water fountain without having to do any plumbing work, now you can do that with a solar fountain. Solar water fountain do not mess up the garden because there no plumbing require. Solar powered garden fountain work best if they are exposed to lots of sun. If the solar panel is not expose to direct sun it make it difficult to work. Any object located around the solar water fountain such as a tree. wall, scrubs that will block the direct sunlight will cause it not to work to it full potential.

Solar panel can be separated from the fountain and placed in a location to receive lots of sun light with the fountain in a shaded area, but then you will have to do the electrical work such as running a cord between the panel and fountain. Solar water fountain are environment friendly because they use the sun as their source of power which is non polluting and a renewable energy source, plus they circulate the water and reduce the probability of having bacteria and mosquitoes in standing water.Solar water fountain will enrich your garden with soothing, mesmerizing water sound that range from babbling brooks to gushing waterfalls.


A gourd can be used as a number of thing, including bowls or bottles One of the best for growing for bird house making is bottle gourd, sometime called a Mexican gourd, or seed may be packaged as ''birdhouse gourd'' .Bottle gourd are used in many different part of the country for birdhouses. In the southeastern united state it is thought that native Americans fashioned bird houses from gourds to attract purple martins to nest near their planted fields. The purple martin help scare away crows and blackbirds that like that like to steel seeds at planting time. Birdhouse gourd are becoming so popular that instead of the scientific name of the plant on the seed packet, it simply says birdhouse gourd.

To dry the bottle gourd for your bird house you need to lay in a warm dry place with good circulation. The natural process of drying can take several months. If you give it a good shake and seed rattle around in side you'll know it dry. In the natural drying process the gourd may have some moldy and unsightly spots on it. Soak the gourd in hot soapy water for about thirty minute, and then scrape with steel wool or a dull knife to remove the mole and outer skin. At this time you can crave, paint, wax or decorate your bottle any way you like.

Once dried they make an ideal birdhouse for purple martin,swallows, chickadee and wrens. Besides bringing beauty and interest to your home, these reputedly birds will eat thousand of insects each day.


Thatching is an old method of roofing, in which one covers a roof with bundles of dry vegetation. The bundles of dry vegetation is layered to make the water run off the roof more adequately. The dry vegetation, used in these bundles, is usually a combination of combed wheat reed, sedge and heather. Thatching has been used in both temperate climate, which are without extreme temperatures and precipitation and tropical climate, in which all twelve months have mean of temperatures above 64 degrees. Most of the work performed in the process of thatching makes use of tools such as a sharp blade, a mallet and wire, which is used to secure the thatch to sturdy beams. If a thatched roof is put on correctly, it can last up to fifty years and be problem free with very little maintenance.

Although it is similar in appearance to water reed, wheat reed, which dates back to the 1400s, is carefully grown for thatching. In fact wheat reed is actually a straw that can be harvested into a bundle. Once it has been bundled, you thresh the stems toward the top and comb through the bundle to remove excess weeds and short straws. This process produces a clean, aligned stem, with the butt ends pointing in the same direction. The end result of this is called combed wheat reed.

While sedge can be found growing in all kinds of places, most is found in poor soil or in wetland areas. Sedge differs from true grass in that sedge has angular,solid stems. Ideally sedge is cut when it is green although it can be cut and used year round. When a thatcher is covering a roof, and they reach the ridge, they have to cut the reed even with the ridge, as the reed will not bend. The Thatcher will then dampen the sedge with water to make it easier to bend and construct a ridge for the roof. Sedge is used to make ridges for both straw and reed roofs and is sometimes used to cover entire roofs in time of reed shortages.

Heather and heath stems, cemented with peat mud and mixed with straw and dry grass were used by Scottish highlanders to make huts. In the highland areas, such as Northeastern England and Scotland, where corn was not grown, heather was used. Heather is usually cut in the fall, while it was still in bloom, and lay with its roots intertwined and pointing upward. The heavy black color, that result as the heather dries, is not attractive. Heather thatch can still be seen used in Northeast England and Southern Scotland.