Sunday, July 26, 2009


The benefits of solar fountain is if you ever wanted to be able to set up your outdoor water fountain without having to do any plumbing work, now you can do that with a solar fountain. Solar water fountain do not mess up the garden because there no plumbing require. Solar powered garden fountain work best if they are exposed to lots of sun. If the solar panel is not expose to direct sun it make it difficult to work. Any object located around the solar water fountain such as a tree. wall, scrubs that will block the direct sunlight will cause it not to work to it full potential.

Solar panel can be separated from the fountain and placed in a location to receive lots of sun light with the fountain in a shaded area, but then you will have to do the electrical work such as running a cord between the panel and fountain. Solar water fountain are environment friendly because they use the sun as their source of power which is non polluting and a renewable energy source, plus they circulate the water and reduce the probability of having bacteria and mosquitoes in standing water.Solar water fountain will enrich your garden with soothing, mesmerizing water sound that range from babbling brooks to gushing waterfalls.

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