Friday, September 11, 2009


When peoples observe birds and also study them it is known as bird watching or birding and the former term is most used in the United Kingdom as well as in Ireland while birding is an American term and mostly, bird watching is a pursuit that birdwatchers or birders undertake for recreational or social reasons.

The more formal pursuit of bird watching is known as ornithology that is a formal as well as scientific study of birds though ornithologists may often use the same methods of watching birds as do the amateur birders. In temperate weather zones, the most active time of the year for bird watching would be during spring as well as fall when there is bird migration and a large number of birds will be seen. Such birds usually travel North or South in winter to nest in those regions.

Early in the morning is perhaps the best time for birdwatching since at these times, birds may be actively searching for food and would be a better subjects for observing and studying. One may also require detailed knowledge of the appearance, sounds, behavior as well as the likely habitat of the birds to get success in their search for birds and their habits. One may also require being stealthy as well as patient to achieve the best results. Bird watching is a quiet as well as relaxing pursuit and for those who are rarity-seekers it may entail long distance traveling in order to find new species.

Another form of bird watching is sea-watching where observers are based at coastal watch-points in order to watch birds flying over the sea. Also, bird watchers may also take part in censuses of bird population and associated migratory patterns that are often specific to individual species.

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